Saturday, May 30, 2015

Best Stand Up Abs Workout For A Toned Body













Standing Pike Crunch:

This exercise not only tightens core muscles, but improves your balance as well.
  1. You need to stand upright and keep feet together.
  2. Now lift both your arms in the air and lower them to waist-level.
  3. As you are lowering your arms, lift one of your feet. Make sure your arms touch the lifted foot.
  4. Do not use momentum to swing the leg upwards.
  5. Try this with one leg and then switch to the other leg.

Jumping Oblique Twist:

This move increases your heart rate and helps burn more calories. Not only are you strengthening your core, but also are burning fat at the same time!
  1. Stand with your feet closed together.
  2. Now bring the arms to the front to the shoulder level. Ensure your arms touch each other.
  3. Now jump up a few inches and rotate your feet towards the right side.
  4. As you land, jump up again and rotate feet to the left side. This can be repeated a few times.

Torso Rotations:

This works on an entire range of core muscles. You basically need to rotate the torso along the spine while standing. Some people also try it in the seated posture.
  1. Tighten your midsection and exhale as you rotate to one side. Remember that you should twist at the waist and not at your hips.
  2. Pause for a second and then inhale as you revert to the forward-facing position.
  3. Now twist your torso to the other side.
  4. You may also use a medicine ball or resistance bands for adequate resistance.

High Knee Chops:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Twist to the left and lift one knee up.
  2. Now twist back to the initial position and bring your foot down.
  3. Do this for 15 seconds for each side of the body.

Waist Pinchers:

This relatively simple exercise helps you build your abs if followed religiously. If done the right way, you are sure to feel the effect on your obliques. You can burn as much as 75 calories in ten minutes and strengthen your core through this workout!
  1. Start with getting into a comfortable position on the floor.
  2. Now, turn the toes of your left foot out.
  3. Then, bring the left knee upwards till it reaches your left elbow.
  4. Remember to keep your core strong.
  5. Do this for the right side as well.

Standing Bicycle Kicks:

This exercise requires you to crunch at your torso, which means you are working out the muscles in your abdomen area. Standing bicycle kicks emulates abdominal exercises that are done lying down, but movements are a lot easier, as you are standing up.
  1. Like the name suggests, stand erect with feet shoulder-width apart. Your hands should be behind the head, and elbows should point outwards. Your knees should be bent a little.
  2. Now, squeeze in your stomach muscles, and raise your right knee.
  3. Twist the body right and lower left elbow down towards the right knee.
  4. Now, revert to the initial pose and repeat the move. Do this on the other side.

Leaning Lifting Crunch:

If a six pack ab is all that you can think of, this vertical abs exercise takes you one step closer to that goal! Alternate this exercise with standing bicycle kicks for a complete workout!
  1. You need to stand with your feet kept together. The knees should be bent a little. Keep your arms extended over the head and palms pressed.
  2. Now, turn your torso to the right side, stretching the left side of the body.
  3. Next, squeeze in the abdomen and lean to the left slowly while extending the left leg sidewise. Lift the leg with the pointed toes. Do this on the right side as well. Repeat for a few times.


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