Monday, February 23, 2015

Beauty Tip: Acne? Maybe it’s your toothpaste

Wondering why you can never get rid of those angry boils despite following every rule in the rulebook?

Your toothpaste could be the real culprit. It's the last thing to come to mind as a cause for all that acne (and heartache), however, if you notice frequent breakouts around your lips and mouth then it's time you take a look at your toothpaste.
 Sensitive skin could react to sodium laurel sulphate (SLS) or fluoride that is present in most toothpastes. SLS makes your toothpaste foamy and frothy. It is also found in most shampoos. SLS is a known skin irritant and is listed as toxic in most studies. Opt for a herbal toothpaste instead and make sure to always check the list of ingredients.


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