Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wireless Key Finder for Keychain and Phone

The Magnasonic Wireless Key Finder will help you locate your lost items instantly. Just attach one of the color-coded receivers to your keys, wallet, remote control, purse, MP3 player, camera or anything else that tends to sneak away from you. If it goes missing, just press the corresponding color on the transmitter and the receiver will beep back, leading you directly to that item.

So if you're one of those people who don't immediately look in the hamper for their wallet, you'll really appreciate this product! Not only is it a massive stress reliever but it’s one hell of a time saver.

How much? Click the link Magnasonic Wireless Key Finder for Keychain, Wallet, Phone, Remote Control includes Locator with 4 Receivers - MGWF300 [ $29.99 from Amazon.com ]


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