Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Foods that will boost your sex drive

 What you eat and how much you consume has a huge impact on your sexual health. Here are some of the natural aphrodisiacs for men:

High fiber whole grains, brown rice, barley, oatmeal are rich in vitamin B that directly boost sexual performance, as also improve digestion and helps better hormone balance.

Omega 3 rich foods such as eggs, salmon, flax seeds etc boost sex drive.

Lean meat /lentils and beans are a good source of protein and vitamin B6. They are great muscle builders and help cut your fat to keep you fit.

Spinach and other green leafy veggies, avocado etc are great sources of vitamin B6, Vitamin E, folic acid, iron and zinc. They all work in synergy to bring the zing back into your sex life.

Pineapple and Banana contain an enzyme 'bromelain' that can boost performance. Bananas are also rich in potassium and B-vitamins, vital for sex hormone production.

Dark chocolate, a Valentino`s favorite releases endorphins that intensify the feeling of attraction between two people.

Berries and oranges and any fruit loaded with Vitamin C accelerate your sex drive.

Almonds and other nuts are bursting with essential fatty acids that help maintain a healthy balance of sex hormones. Added to that, they are rich in manganese; help keep your sex organs healthy.

Green tea unsweetened offers antioxidant Catechin for good blood flow, improve metabolism and helps burn fat.

Pumpkin seeds can spread on your salads or include in your gravies. It is rich in essential fatty acids and zinc, both of which are crucial for the production of sex hormones.


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