Thursday, February 19, 2015

Use your iPad into a holographic projector

The HC Tablet was created by Holocube, which as the name suggests knows a thing or two about holograms, and is made out of fingerprint-resistant aluminium; great for those of us non-Jedi folk who still have to use our grubby hands when working technology. A thin transparent screen (that supposedly blends into the background) is angled above the iPad Air 2's screen, and the images are projected on to that. With the built-in accelerometer of Apple's tablet you're able to move around the projected model and view it as if it was a real object.

The applications for the HC Tablet are pretty exciting, and although it might be a while until we're able to send requests for help with the Rebel Alliance to local hermits, playing multiplayer games and watching media via holograms could be pretty cool. We might have a while to wait for that as Holocube's devices are primarily aimed at the advertising industry, which means we could be in for a future where Minority Report-esque holographic adverts are a reality.


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