Wednesday, February 25, 2015

US military is testing rolling eyeball robots

This roly-poly, bug-eyed robot may soon be pressed into military service. And although it might look a little goofy, American Unmanned Systems’ GuardBot is built to tackle serious surveillance tasks.
This two-foot-wide model can roll around and transmit video for up to 16 hours, climbing inclines up to 30 degrees and hitting speeds up to 20mph. An operator can drive GuardBot using a remote control program along a pre-set path that it’ll follow using its built-in GPS.

While its primary duty is being the eyes on the ground, the two clear domes on either side can carry payloads other than cameras. Guardbot can pack two kilograms of cargo, including, potentially, explosives. Just half a kilo of military-grade C4 can destroy a truck, so four times that amount could make a pretty big hole in something.


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