Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar








Weight loss

Apple cider vinegar is sensational for those trying to shift a few kilos because of its ability to stabilise blood sugar levels for longer periods of time, while also helping to control appetite. Obviously you won’t lose weight if your diet is unhealthy, but when combined with nutritious foods, drinking one or two teaspoons of apple cider in water before each meal can help you trim down.


Apple cider vinegar is high in minerals, vitamins and enzymes, which makes it a great detoxifying tool. Its acids also bind to the toxins within your body and break down mucus, helping to eliminate them from the body more effectively. It also helps cleanse your lymph nodes, which in turn boosts your immune system and its ability to respond to an attack.


If you suffer from indigestion or stomach upsets, apple cider vinegar can help lessen the discomfort by clearing acid reflux. To utilise its ability to do so, drink a mix of one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with water before each meal.

Clear skin

Not only will apple cider vinegar help clear acne-prone skin when taken orally on a daily basis, it can also be applied topically to help kill bacteria and germs, and also draw out toxins. Got eczema or acne on your chest, back and other body parts? Mix this vinegar with some Epsom salts and add it to a warm bath for an all-over skin cleansing, healing and detoxifying treatment.


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