Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Effective Stretches For Runners Should Be Doing

Runners need to choose the most suitable stretching techniques to cope with muscle stiffness, joint issues and performance boosts. There are a number of stretches that can aid you in coping better with aches and pains experienced by runners.
Below listed are a few handy tips runners can benefit from:
  • Runners should ideally focus on stretching methods that aid warm muscles. That is why fitness experts suggest you should stretch after performing regular exercises. This is the time when your body muscles are quite warm. Even the joints are lubricated and there would be lesser stress on them.
  • There is a dispute regarding the efficacy of stretching before going for a run. A few experts claim that it aids the runners while others feel doing so actually negates the benefit of warming up.
  • In general, you should remain in a pose for each stretch for a duration of 15 seconds or so. If applicable, repeat the steps for the other side.
  • It would be a good idea to do some light jogging before you resort to stretching every time to warm up the muscles to an extent. It is a bad idea to stretch cold muscles. If you want to do stretching after a run, it is okay, but give yourself a short break.


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