Saturday, April 25, 2015

How To Ward Off Mosquitoes This Summer

Summers have set in and so have mosquitoes — small bite, big threat from these winged creatures which spread dengue and malaria. Here are some ways to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Neem Oil:

Rub some neem oil mixed with equal quantity of coconut oil to ward off mosquitoes for eight hours.


Lighting camphor in a closed room for around twenty minutes can ward off mosquitoes.


A tulsi plant near your window will prevent breeding of mosquitoes and also keep them away.


Boil garlic and spray the water in your room (or on yourself if you can bear the smell) to keep it mosquito-free.

Tea Tree Oil:

Use a vapouriser with this oil to drive away mosquitoes.


This not only smells great but keeps away mosquitoes too. Spritz it in your room or apply a few drops of this oil mixed with a cream on your body.


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