Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Beauty Tip: Try These Monsoon Pedicures For Soft, Clean Feet

Here is a list of pedicures to try, to get back your pretty peds...

Paraffin Wax Pedi
This is said to be effective when it comes to banishing cracks and dry skin. First, you get a pedicure done. Before the nail polish is applied, the feet are dipped into paraffin wax in order to moisturise them.

Lavender Oil Pampering

Lavender oil, known for its healing properties, helps soothe your feet along with providing soft, smooth skin. To start, take a large tub or basin, fill it with warm water and some Epsom salts, as well as a few drops of essential lavender oils. The salt aids in reducing tired soles and swelling of feet.

Hot Stone Therapy

Using hot stones on the skin is popular in spas and now, these stones are also used to help relax your feet and they help stimulate nerve endings. What happens here is, you first massage essential oils onto the skin. The hot stones are then placed on pressure points of the feet to aid a deeper penetration of the oils and give a massage to the feet.

Fruit Pedis

Fruits are known to have numerous benefits on the skin. Make a skin pack with orange slices which give the skin a glow or strawberry pulp which smoothens out and hydrates the skin, papaya pulp which removes dead skin cells or even lemon juice, which can brighten the skin tone.


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