Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Power Up Your Bench Press

Some key tips for one of the most important workouts in weight-training:

It's easy to stay with the routine you are comfortable with. But ask yourself this question: "Am I really training out of my comfort zone?"

Most people are not. Yes, they train hard but they're not pushing themselves as hard as they are capable of. So switch your workout up, vary the intensity. Vary the rest between sets. Do super sets. Additionally, start thinking about "less is more". The quality of your reps, sets and exercises is more important than how many you do. Stick to training your chest once or twice a week.

Getting a good night's sleep cannot be stressed upon more. It is part of the basics of building muscle. Your muscles repair and grow while you're sleeping and resting, so getting enough rest and sleep is essential for muscle growth. Get at least eight hours sleep and plenty of rest between workouts.

Also, pay attention to form and the 'negative' part of each exercise. If you don't know what a negative is, it's the lowering phase of an exercise. In the case of the bench press, it's when you lower the weight to your chest. Negative training is highly underestimated and can have a dramatic effect on your upper body strength.

Lastly, eat well. Each meal should contain a good serving a protein (in various forms) and complex carbohydrates. This is essential for increasing your bench press. If you're not eating enough calories per day, don't expect and additional pounds on your bench.


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