Saturday, August 22, 2015

Foods To Avoid When You Are Pregnant

Whether you have a planned or an unplanned pregnancy, you need to pay extra attention to your diet, while you may be bombarded with well-meaning advice from family members, relatives, friends and neighbours, don't get overwhelmed with the information overload. Here are some foods that you should avoid when you're pregnant...
  • If you eat non vegetarian food, make sure it is fully cooked. Undercooked meat can be dangerous especially for a pregnant woman.
  • Unpasteurised cheese is best avoided. It could contain listeria bacteria that can be harmful to the foetus as well as the pregnant mother. The same goes for unpasteurised juices.
  • Are you an ardent sushi fan? Well, if you're pregnant you'll have to bid adieu to it for some time. Sushi may be contain bacteria and parasites that might harm you. Stick to well cooked seafood if you can't do without your quota of fish.
  • Another thing to be careful about is unwashed perishable food items like vegetables and fruits. Make sure that you rinse them properly under running water so that you remove all the dirt that can be stuck on it. If the vegetable or fruit is spoilt from one side, it is best avoided completely.
  • While many studies say that a small amount of caffeine is alright for pregnant women, it is best avoided since it carries a risk of miscarriage.
  • Another strict no-no is alcohol — and this even includes wine.


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