Thursday, August 20, 2015

Kevin Bacon Delivers Meals To Seniors, Is Generally Awesome

Lucky residents of a New York City senior center got to wake up and smell the Bacon Tuesday morning. Literally. The seniors were in for a thrill as actor Kevin Bacon showed up to volunteer in a surprise visit to Citymeals-on-Wheels. Bacon donned an apron and helped cook, pack and deliver meals to homebound seniors in the city.

"He spent a good bit of time preparing meals in the kitchen and meeting staff there," Dan McCabe, president of Bacon's charity told The Huffington Post. "They were excited. They thought it was great."

Bacon stuck around to deliver meals to a few seniors and McCabe says they were a little starstruck. But one of the women was actually a former Broadway singer who serenaded him with "Wind Beneath My Wings." Citymeals-on-Wheels delivers meals to around 18,000 seniors every year and tweeted they are grateful for Bacon's visit as it will help raise awareness for their cause. 
Just another reason we love Bacon.


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