Friday, August 28, 2015

Using Coconut Water To Our Benefit

Coconut water has many benefits, but here are a few ways you could use it, to tackle different problems.

  1. Whether you have dry or oily skin, dipping a bit of cotton in this magical potion and cleansing your skin with it, will help in opening up the pores, and leaving you with fresh, clear skin.
  2. If you mix a little bit of olive oil in coconut water and drink it up, it will help in the elimination of parasites in the bowel, therefore, combating any kind of urinary infections.
  3. Drinking coconut water during pregnancy is the best thing, as it balances out the hormones, as far as it possibly can. It also helps clear out the toxins and refreshes you. It helps reduce the bloated and gassy feeling in the stomach. Hence, it helps comfort the mom to be. It is said that many problems during pregnancy are eliminated if the mother drinks a glass of coconut water every day.
  4. Coconut water is a great hangover cure. When you have had a lot to drink at a party and feel sick the next day, coconut water shall come to your rescue. It hydrates you instantly, and gives you a great boost of energy. It also helps to subside that terrible headache that comes with the hangover.
  5. Coconut water is a great cure for sunburns and dehydration. Just one glass of it after a trip out under the blazing sun can help to soothe you. It is also a great boost after extreme physical activity.
Coconut water is definitely a magical drink capable of positively affecting every single part of our body. It is a good idea to indulge in this lovely drink. Possibly, everyday!


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